
Bruce Banner Vs Bruce Jenner - Epic Rap Battles Of History

Bruce Banner Vs Bruce Jenner - Epic Rap Battles Of History

Rap battle


Epic Rap Battles of History: Bruce Jenner vs. Bruce Banner


Web series


Epic Rap Battles of History


In this episode of Epic Rap Battles of History, the famous Olympic athlete Bruce Jenner takes on the acclaimed but lesser-known physicist Bruce Banner in a battle of rap skills and personal legacies. While Banner is recognized for his groundbreaking scientific work, Jenner's fame and athletic accomplishments ultimately give him the edge in this clash of the Bruces.


Bruce JennerBruce Banner

Release date


Bruce Banner Vs Bruce Jenner - Epic Rap Battles Of History

[Verse 1: Bruce Banner] The name's Bruce Banner, physicist extraordinaire, Pushing the boundaries of science without a care. While you were chasing gold, I was chasing the truth, Unlocking the secrets of the universe, uncovering proof.

I may not be a household name, but my work speaks for itself, Changing the world from my lab, not seeking fame on the shelf. You were a fast guy on the track, but I'm faster in my mind, Breaking down barriers, leaving your records far behind.

[Verse 2: Bruce Jenner] Whoa there, Banner, you think you can step to the Jenner? I'm an Olympic legend, a true sports icon and winner. While you were buried in books, I was breaking records, son, Inspiring generations to push their limits and run.

Sure, you got the brains, but I got the brawn and the fame, Lighting up the world stage, becoming a household name. I'm a living legend, a hero to millions out there, While you're just a footnote, lost in your ivory lair.

[Verse 3: Bruce Banner] You may have the gold medals, but I've got the Nobel Prize, Changing the course of science, opening humanity's eyes. While your glory was fleeting, mine will echo through the ages, As I rewrite the laws of physics, breaking down nature's cages.

So step back, Jenner, and let the real Bruce take the stage, The one who's truly shaping the future, not just making a wage. I may not be famous, but my work will outlive us both, While you'll be forgotten, just another faded Olympic wreath.

[Verse 4: Bruce Jenner] Haha, nice try, Banner, but you're no match for the Jenner. I'm a household name, a true American winner. Sure, you got the brains, but I got the heart and the soul, Inspiring millions to reach for the stars, to be strong and whole.

While you're stuck in your lab, I'm out there making a difference, Using my platform to lift people up, to create real permanence. So keep your Nobel Prize, your fancy degrees don't impress, 'Cause when it comes to true impact, the Jenner will always be the best.

[Outro] Bruce Jenner wins! The Olympian proves he's the superior Bruce, Leaving the physicist to ponder his loss and recluse.